Return & refund policy

Our hassle free and easy return and refund policy allows for returns within 90 days from the date of delivery. We pay for the return label. To be eligible for a refund, all products must be returned in good condition in their original packaging, functioning correctly (unless defective), with all parts and accessories, such as tabs, bulbs, lamps, and wires attached and in their original place.

Products that are damaged, missing components, attachments or sent back in different packaging, will not be eligible for a refund when returned. Refunds are processed within 14 days of the product’s return to Shayan Auto Parts if approved after inspection and are issued to the original source of payment.

How to request a return:

Please send us your order number, name, phone number, address and reason for return to with the subject of the email as “Return Request”. We may reach out to you by phone just

You will be provided with a free return label and packing instructions. We respond to return requests urgently and within one business day.

Returns for orders from our Ebay and Amazon stores will have to be initiated on the respective platform. If you need guidance returning a product on Amazon and Ebay, please reach out to us at

We do not decline return requests unless the return conditions are unfair to us, such as products damaged during installation or if the product is coming back in different packaging.

Products that are damaged, missing components, attachments or sent back in different packaging, will not be eligible for a refund when returned. Refunds are processed within 14 days of the product’s return to Shayan Auto Parts if approved after inspection and are issued to the original source of payment.

Missing or lost packages:

If your order is lost on its way to you, we can replace it or issue you a refund, the choice is yours.
To be eligible for a missing package claim, the tracking number must indicate that the package was lost by the shipping courier, was delivered to another address or it has been on its way for quite some time and it is obvious that the courier company has lost it.

Packages marked delivered by the courier company to your address are not eligible for a refund. Shayan Auto Parts is not responsible to issue a refund or send a replacement if a package has been marked delivered by the courier company to the correct address but is claimed missing by the customer.

Our responsibility is to deliver your order to your door. You are responsible for receiving it when dropped off. If your package is marked delivered and is missing, we urge you to contact local authorities as porch theft may be involved.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the return process or our return and refund policy, please feel free to reach out to us.